Thursday, November 2, 2017

Fall Family Photos

We hadn't had our family photos taken (by a "professional" - who we have financially reimbursed!) for nearly two years.  Hoping we'd get some beautiful foliage and nice weather, we scheduled the shoot.  Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, we had to reschedule three times!  Finally, on October 8th, the planets finally aligned for us to meet with our photographer, Heather.

We met up at Wylie Park, where they have beautiful trails, cool rustic barns and railroad tracks for rustic backdrops, etc.

We had a few x's against us.  First, it was a WINDY day.  Second, Ramsey was WOUND UP tighter than a drum!  Third... well... I guess that was about it, other than the fact that the "biggest boy" (dear husband) grumbled a bit because he doesn't like picture-taking.  I think he just says it to be a stinker and really doesn't mind it as much as he outwardly portrays!  ...could be wrong?!?  ;-)

I was pleased with the amount of time our photographer took with our family.  She spent a lot of time with the boys - and especially Ramsey.  She's a Mom too and has witnessed how kiddos grow up far too quickly!

And, here they are...
(I did have a little fun with the photos after I received the CD.  I played around with Photoshop and added vignettes, highlights, color pops, etc.  Love me some Photoshop!!!!)
The boys took advantage of the atmosphere and tossed leaves.
And Ramsey ran around a bunch... Connor was the designated sibling retriever!
For the shoot, I took along a cherished family heirloom; my Dad's chair from when he was a child (which I also used when I stayed with grandma and grandpa).
The boys were doing actions to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"!
Our lovely photographer had brought her sweet son, Jaxon, along.  He was such a good helper and he was soooo good to Ramsey!  As we were walking back to the car, Heather took this little photo of the boys.  It was so sweet!

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