Monday, November 13, 2017

What to do on a Holiday Weekend?

In recognition of Veterans' Day (Saturday, the 11th), Eric had the day off on Friday.  So, he and Ramsey hung out. 

Eric decided it was time to introduce Ramsey to Lincoln Logs.   He wanted to build Ramsey a castle.  Ramsey loved that idea!  They went to work with the fun building pieces.
Eric built Ramsey this cabin for Ramsey to play with his Star Wars guys.  Oh, Ramsey was happy!
Eric couldn't find the castle pieces in the box of logs though.
 I found the castle brochure picture and recognized the parts that were missing from the box.  I went and found them and built Ramsey his castle on my lunch break.
 Eric told me that, after I went back to work, Ramsey kissed the castle and said, "I love it so much!"
He also found (and was diggin' on) a squishy dart that Daddy gave him a while back.  We had quite a conglomeration of toys in the Lincoln Log box!
When Connor got home, they hung out on the couch, playing games and such.  They thought it'd be cute to pretend to be asleep.
It was just a few days after Riggsy's 4th birthday, so he hung out on his new dog bed with his stuffed animals.

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