Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Happy Halloween!

Halloween... candy... costumes.... FUN!!!!  As a kid, this was my second-favorite holiday.  It may still be.
Ramsey is now getting to the age where he's EXCITED to go trick-or-treating.

When we asked him what he wanted to dress up as,  he didn't ever say much and seemed disinterested.  So, we decided he'd be Darth Vader, which he happily agreed upon!   To note, he told us (two days before Halloween) that he wanted to be a pumpkin.  Too late, soldier, sorry!  (Also, Dad said "too baby-ish".... wuh wuh wuhhh - my baby is getting big!)

Donned in his Darth Vader outfit, complete with cape, his Darth Vader light-up shoes, his talking Darth Vader mask, and his red light saber, we drove to town to have some fun!

We first stopped at Auntie Shana's salon.   Then, we proceeded to the police department to see Daddy and get candy from everyone!
 After raking in a nice haul at the PD, we went to two different Trunk or Treat locations to get some more sugary vittles.   Our church had Trunkers whose vehicles were decorated in fun and imaginative themes. And, there were also fire engines with fire fighters and police cars with police men giving candy!
 At the second Trunking event we went to, this gal had my favorite decorations.  I thought her scarecrow costume, Fall flowers and such were adorable!
 Then, for the inside fun!  We went to another local church's yearly fall bash.  It had all kinds of fun games for kids, small to big, plus candy, popcorn, and door prizes.

We veered off to the area intended for kids under 4.   Ramsey took part in fishing, "Punch the Pumkin", and other fun games to get candy.  Then, he saw it... the bouncy castle (one of Ramsey's favorite things in the world!).
 He bounced until he was warm and out of breath!
We proceeded into the next romper room, full of fun games, like a hunt for treasure, buried in straw,
 car races,
 a junior obstacle course,
and coloring.
 This Halloween bash was definitely a new tradition we will repeat as long as we can!
Happy Halloween!

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