Friday, January 26, 2018

Snow-Flocked Scenery

It's been excruciatingly cold some days this month and we haven't had much snow to speak of.  Needless to say, the brown grass and bare trees are nothing striking to look at.

However, one morning, it had been very foggy.  Overnight, the trees had been flocked with beautiful frosty goodness!    My view of the trees and lake from my office was AMAZING.   I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of it, but a busy work schedule made it impossible.

When I went upstairs to grab a bite to eat at lunch time and snag the mail, the beautiful snow flakes were falling from the trees; it was a fantastic sight!  Though much of the flocking was gone, I managed to get a few pics of trees from the back yard.   Still pretty, but not as impressive as the AM.
Mother Nature... you are truly blissful.

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