Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Winter Days of Play

On a beautiful January day (go figure!), the boys were couped up inside.   I was busy with laundry and cooking, but Eric decided to take Ramsey and Riggs outside to play.   Ramsey was dead set that he was going to make snow angels, throw snowballs, and make a snowman.
Unfortunately, there wasn't enough snow to make a snowman.  And, what we had was already too hard and crunchy to construct any sort of three-tiered man.

So, the boys had a huge snowball fight and ran around the yard.  Eric avoided pictures.  (grumble grumble).

Eric took Ramsey to down to the lake to play on the ice.  Ramsey quickly learned to walk on the snow; the ice is slick and you fall on your batukus!   Ramsey was in a mood to run though and he ran nearly the entire way across the lake!  Eric said that he tried to stop him or slow him down, but the kid just kept running.  So, Eric let him run, assuming he needed to get it out of his system.

When they got back to the front yard, they had a fun idea to roll down the hill.  Unfortunately, Eric got moving very fast, hit a bump, and went airborne.  When he came down, he jammed his elbow into his ribs.  And... ended up with bruised or cracked ribs (ouch!).

The following day was a holiday, so Eric had the day off from work.  Though his ribs were bothering him, he still dragged his ice house and gear down to the lake and set up shop.   Late in the day, I bundled Ramsey up and took Riggs and him down to fish with Daddy.
Ramsey isn't keen on sitting still and jigging.  He needs to reel the line up and see if he's got a fish.
Needless to say, he didn't last long before he wanted to go play.  Cuz... ya know... in sixty seconds, the fish weren't biting!

We ran around on the lake for a few minutes, then played on the play set for a while, swinging and sliding.
Ramsey found the need to annihilate his Momma with snowballs!  He pelted me pretty good a few times!
I'm not sure, but does this one count as a mere "snowball"?!?!  Yikes!
After I'd been thoroughly pummeled, we came into the house to get dry and warm up.

Not long after, Connor was home from school.  And, by then, Eric had come in from fishing.
Ramsey was more interested in playing with the minnows than taking pictures.
After bath time, it was time to simmer down and snuggle up on the couch.  Aah, good times.
Eric decided "no more ice fishing for a while"  At least, until his poor ribs heal up!

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