Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Birthday Boys

We have two birthdays that are within one week of each other; Ramsey's birthday is January 24th and Connor's is February 1st.    Connor hasn't had a "birthday party", per se, for a few years (just celebrated by having a friend stay over as of late).  Ramsey is just starting to really LOVE birthday parties!

We invited the fam to come to Ramsey's birthday party, but decided that since Connor was turning Sweet 16, we'd better celebrate with everyone here too!    Attendees:  Nana & Bumpa; Nana Karen; Uncle Troy, Auntie Sarah, Sadie, and Isaac.   Other precious family members were in our thoughts as we celebrated.
I just thought this picture was kind of funny, so... ha, it's on here!
Admittedly, I took some shortcuts this year; instead of making birthday cakes, I ordered them up!
Ramsey got a double-decker vanilla cake with a ton of frosting and chocolate shavings.  He wanted a Minecraft cake, so I added some of his Minecraft toys to the top.
 Once I picked up Ramsey's cake (it was SO HEAVY and huge), I realized that we didn't need another "cake" (too much would probably go to waste), so I got a personal-sized cheesecake, just for Connor.    He was happy and found it to be a good choice.  :-)
 After we had all eaten lunch and were chock-full, it was time to open gifts (we'd eat cake once our bellies weren't quite so full!). 
Ramsey had a stock pile of presents. 
Ramsey got some fun gifts; Star Wars action figures, a Batman costume, a fun stacking animals game, a new book about a sloth (with a matching sloth stuffed animal!), a bow & arrow set, a Star Wars Mr. Potato head set, pajamas, a basketball hoop, a toy truck, a handy man work bench, a construction kit, plus a little extra cash.
 He was excited to open all of the fun gifts.
 Connor had many cards with lots of moola!  He got a pair of Heelys shoes from us, which he had been wanting for a while, plus a dandy new pair of swimming trunks (for work OR play!), some socks, a Vikings t-shirt, etc.
 After gifts were opened, it was play time for a bit.
 Connor chilled out on the couch.  Cousin Isaac hung with him, donning Ramsey's new talking Batman mask, enticing Ramsey to play along.
 Ramsey obliged; he went and retrieved his talking Darth Vader helmet.  It was a Batman vs. Darth Vader moment!  I'm not sure who really won.  :-)
 And Cousin Sadie played with Ramsey and his new Star Wars Potato Head toys.
Then... it was Happy Birthday song and cake time!
Happy Birthday to our two special sweet boys.  You're amazing and we love you so much!

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