Monday, May 7, 2018

Qeepsake Q&A with Ramsey

...Another round of Q&A, from Qeepsake (weekly texted questions for kids' scrapbooks).  Mommy and Daddy do the answering!
Is Ramsey competitive?
Yes, we always have to race up and down the stairs.  Ramsey is a FAST little fart!!  He doesn't like to lose either.    Light saber fights get interesting too.  When Connor is beating him, sometimes he gets frustrated!

Does Ramsey like playing in water?
Ramsey LOVES the water.  He loves baths, showers, pool time, etc.  We need to get him into swimming lessons soon.

What is one thing that makes being Ramsey's parent rewarding?
Eric: "Shin bruises."
Kara:  "Ramsey is a happy little boy.  I love hearing his laughter and seeing his smiles."

How does Ramsey show you love?
Eric:  "He beats the hell out of my 'Devil A-Fraw'."  ("The Claw" aka Crazy Hand, but the enhanced "Devil Claw" version.  Ramsey can't say "CLAW", hence it's "AFRAW")
Kara:  "Ramsey gives me hugs and kisses and tells me how much he loves me."

Does Ramsey sleep with a night light?
Yes, he has a night light that is also an essential oil diffuser.  It changes colors.

What is Ramsey's favorite place to travel?
Ramsey said, "I like to go to the mall!"  (They have a large indoor play set there.)
If you could take Ramsey on a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
We'd love to take him to Disney World, to see the live Star Wars shows!  I think we'll be doing this in a year or two.  *wink*

What simple pleasure do you most enjoy with Ramsey right now?
Eric:  "I like how he sits with me when he's really sick." 
Kara: "I love just sitting in bed, snuggling, watching a movie.  Or, going grocery shopping.  Ramsey is my little shopping buddy and we have a great time together."

If you got an extra hour to spend with Ramsey today, what would you want to do?
Eric:  "I would like him to sit nice with me so I could read him a book.  If the ice was off the lake, I'd like to go fishing with him."
Kara: "Snuggle in the bedroom, watching a movie, talking about silly things, and eating Annie's Bunny Cookies."

What is Ramsey's room like?
Light blue (thick horizontal stripes), cherry red furniture, race car bed (that Bumpa made for Connor years ago), airplane pictures and figurines, lots of stuffed animals and books.

Does Ramsey like to sing along to songs?
Ramsey loves to sing along to songs on the radio or TV.  If he doesn't know the words, he makes stuff up.
He is also the "King of Jingles".   Eric will sing the first few words of a jingle or slogan and Ramsey finishes them.  Our favorite... Eric: "Arby's"   Ramsey: "We have THE MEAT!"

Does Ramsey prefer staying home or going out?
He said, "I like to go places and I like to stay home."

Does Ramsey like cats, dogs, or other pets?
"Dogs.  I like dogs.  I like Riggsy."
How would you describe Ramsey's personal style?
Uncombed hair, hanging out in PJs all day.  
Or, Little Mr. GQ when we leave the house.  He likes his red patent high-tops and doesn't mind wearing a bow tie!

Who is Ramsey's favorite superhero right now?
"Wonder Woman," he says, "because she's strong and pretty."   Hubba hubba, Ramsey!

Does Ramsey have a signature dance move?
Ramsey's a great head-banger.  He likes to spin... and jump up and down.

What is one virtue you hope Ramsey will possess?
Kindness.  We teach Ramsey to "Always be kind."

Is there a treat that Ramsey will do anything for?
The kid loves cookies.... and donuts.  And, cookies n' cream ice cream.

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