Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Q & A About Mommy, by Ramsey

I had a cute little conversation with Ramsey, which consisted of a few general questions about dear ol' Mom, as a fun ode to Mother's Day. 
As a sidenote, I had to slap down Eric's own comments, which Ramsey was happy to parrot.   He thinks he is quite the comedian!!!

Ramsey's answers, sans Daddy's quips:

1) What is something Mommy always says to you?
"I love you!"

2) What makes Mommy happy?
"Making funny faces that makes people laugh."

3) What makes Mommy sad?
"As I hit you hard!!!!" 

4) How does Mommy make you laugh?
"Hmmm....You say "cockadoodles!!"
(I literally have never said "cockadoodles".... I don't think.)

5) What was Mommy like as a little girl?
"You rocked and rocked in a rocking chair.  In that chair over there."

6) How old is Mommy?
"Um... 600!" then laughs.
7) How tall is Mommy?
"You're 'this big'." (arms way up in the air)

8) What is Momma's favorite thing to do?
"Shoot with your shooting glasses.  Also, night vision glasses."
Wow.  I'm way cooler than I thought apparently... more mysterious too.

9) What does Momma do when you're not around?
"You read stories.  You say prayers.    Daddy snores."

10) What is  Mommy really good at?
Ramsey: "You're good at baseball."
Me: "You've seen me play baseball?" (I haven't played baseball in years.)
Ramsey: "I was watching you.  And Connor was there and Riggsy was there!"
Me: "Was that a dream that you had?"
Ramsey: "No, it wasn't a dream.  It was Wednesday."

11) What is Mom not very good at?
"You're not very good at reaching the lake.  That means you can't do a job."
(I swear, my child is drunk.)

12) What does Momma do for a job?
"It's basketball.  HAHAHAHA!    I'm funny!"

13) What is Mommy's favorite food?
"Um, it's strawberry and zucchini.  And, it's also celery!"

14) What makes you proud of Mommy?
"Hanging out with me a lot."

15) If  Mommy were a movie or cartoon character, who would I be?
"Princess Leia"

16) What do you and Mommy do together?
"We clean up."

17) How do you know Mommy loves you?
"Because... you make me happy."     :-)
18) What does Mommy like most about Daddy?
"You are married with him.   Um, I don't know?!?!"

19) Where is Mommy's favorite place to go?
"To Old McDonald's and to the water park."

20) How old was  Mom when you were born?
"You were 20."

21) If  Mommy would become famous, what would Mommy be famous for?
"Um... I'm thinking!  You'd be a Ghostbuster!"
Then, "Alexa, play 'Ghostbusters'!"

22) How are you and Mommy the same?
"We're not the same.  
We are the same.
Our hair is not the same.  
Our eyes are both hazel, but they're not communicated."

23) How are you and Mommy different?
"Our hair is different."

24) What's your favorite thing to do with  Mom?
"Exploring indoors!"

25) What's your favorite thing about Mommy?
"I love you!"

And here, is little video with the funny question boy who's growing up way too fast:

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