Wednesday, May 23, 2018


On Connor's second-to-last day of school, he and his AP English classmates were instructed to dress up as a character from a novel they had been reading called Magisterium.    It's a fictional fantastical read (whereas the setting is a world of witchcraft and monsters) and Connor dressed up as a character named "Kevin".
One of Kevin's most distinctive qualities is his bright green Mohawk.  Even though Connor doesn't love "sticking out", I think he may have chosen this character strictly because of his crazy hairstyle! 
 We had fun creating this new look, though it took a LOT of gel, heat, and hairspray to make it come to fruition.   He had to work after school, so a good wash job was necessary immediately!
The only thing that could have made the day a little better for Connor is if he had felt better; he wasn't at his best.  
But, I can't wait to hear how his day went!

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