Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Buddies - Then & Now

We had an overnight guest last night; one of Connor's best friends, Jared. 

We've known Jared forever.  He and Connor have gone to school together, been on the same soccer teams, worked together, etc.  They've been buddies nearly their entire lives.

I couldn't believe how grown up the boys are, so I took a picture when they were downstairs playing (even included Ramsey, how sweet!).
Then, I found one from 2012.  *shocked face!!!*
Fun little side story:  After they had their fun inside, they went fishing at dusk.  At 10:15, they came in and announced they needed to show me something.
They'd caught a big ol' catfish and hauled it up to the house in a net!  Connor was brave (or crazy!) enough to pick it up so I could try to get a good picture.  Unfortunately, it was dark and the darn thing was stinging the heck out of him. 
Another good fishing story.

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