Monday, June 18, 2018

Q&A with Ramsey for Father's Day

For Father's Day, Q&A from the littlest human in the household:

1) What is something Daddy always says to you?
"He loves all of us!"

2) What makes Daddy happy?
"When I giggle, like this...."  making weird "blether blether blether" noises, sticking his tongue in and out.

3) What makes Daddy sad?
"As I run away when I'm naked." 

4) How does Daddy make you laugh?
"Cartoon Ghostbusters. He watches with me."
5) What was Daddy like as a little boy?
"He went crazy!"

6) How old is Daddy?
"He's 55."

7) How tall is Daddy?
"He's this inch," making his fingers stretch to about two inches.

8) What is Daddy's favorite thing to do?
"His favorite thing to do is catch bad guys."

9) What does Daddy do when you're not around?
"He snores. He comes down to my bed and snores as loud as he can."

10) What is  Daddy really good at?
Ramsey: "Catching bad guys!!!"
Me: "How does he catch bad guys?"
Ramsey: "He just does so good!"

11) What is Dad not very good at?
"He's not very good at fighting because he drops his light sabers sometimes."
12) What does Daddy do for a job?
"He catches bad guys."

13) What is Daddy's favorite food?
"It's whisky."
Me:  Can't.... control... the laughter!!!!!

14) What makes you proud of Daddy?
"He gets bad guys and puts them to jail."

15) If  Daddy was a movie or cartoon character, who would I be?
"He would be a cartoon Ghostbuster; Peter Venkman!"

16) What do you and Daddy do together?
"We both play with swords. Psssssshhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooo!"

17) How do you know Daddy loves you?
"Um, he kisses me."
18) What does Daddy like most about Mommy?
Ramsey: "Camping."
Me: "You think I like to camp?" 
Ramsey: "Ya."    (Maybe he's thinking "firecamping"??!?!?)

19) Where is Dad's favorite place to go?
"At home!"

20) How old was  Daddy when you were born?
"He' was 33-1.  He was 100."

21) If  Daddy would become famous, what would he be famous for?
"Because he will be a Ghostbuster!!!"   (He's really into Ghostbusters lately, thanks to a cute little blond on the playground who asked him if he'd heard of it.)

22) How are you and Daddy the same?
"Um, because we play."

23) How are you and Daddy different?
"Because I play building blocks and Daddy works at the police department."
24) What's your favorite thing to do with  Dad?
"I like say 'rar rar rar rar rar'!  Get it?!?"

25) What's your favorite thing about Daddy?
"I said I'd be surprised about him!  Get it?!?!  No more questions!!!"

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