Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My Birthday Weekend

My birthday this year was a relaxing, chill event.  After having pushed it to get ready for a huge rummage sale at Mom's, I was ready to take a few days off and really not do much of anything!  I'm not going to lie, I did some light housework and menial chores, but I had my family around me and made sure to stop and enjoy it all.

Sunday evening, we planned to go firecamping.   Eric was out mowing and I sent the boys outside to play.  When I came outside, I found the boys playing so nicely.  Connor had come up with a fun and rather ingenius idea to "summer sled".
Ramsey was in heaven!
Then, he decided it was his turn to pull Big Brubby around.
To Connor's amazement, Ramsey actually budged him a bit!
But, then decided it was more feasible for Ramsey to be the passenger.
The other four-year-old couldn't be neglected, so Connor hit the tennis ball for Riggsy.
And while Riggs retrieved, played with Ramsey.   
Connor was the victor in the duel.
And, for some additional entertainment, Ramsey sang his "Stay Calm" song.  And uh... at the end, gave us a little shock.  Wait for it.....
Somewhere in all of the action, Connor found a turtle by the lake.  And, somehow Ramsey hurt his knee.
And on the night of my big day, instead of putting on "real clothes" and make-up, I voted for a nice relaxing boat ride on the lake instead!
Ramsey entertained by showing us his barbell routine.
And I happily took in the gorgeous evening and felt grateful for my family.

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