Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A New View for Fireworks

We've lived on this lake for 9 years and we've never seen the big fireworks display the association puts on.... until this year.    We figured it'd be a nice display, but weren't sure what to expect.

The skies looked like storms were coming, but the crew continued to set up the display (on the point, just south a few hundred yards from our home).

My best friend's sister lives down the road from us, so part of her family parked their truck a few yards from our house and squatted to watch the festivities.    Ramsey loves them, so he had to go visit... and show off for a bit.
 The boys had set up shop in the back of the pick-up in the ditch across from our house.  
 Shan, Nana Karen, and I got cozy in chairs down below.
The display was remarkable to say the least.  It lasted for about 45 minutes and those minutes were all continuous streams of beautiful streaming colors, booms, and light displays.  

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