Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Fireworks and Firecamping

On Sunday afternoon, the boys and I made a special trip to town to buy fireworks (and grab ice cream- ya know, as long as we were in the area!).  That night, we went firecamping, ate S'mores, and lit off rockets and such.
Riggs was interested, but knew he shouldn't get too close.  
Ramsey had fun running through the smoke bomb clouds (which didn't last nearly as long as they should have!  wuh wuhhh).
The boys had a good time throwing and smashing over a dozen boxes of Snaps.
(mostly at each other)
Ramsey found a hand-held brush and told Connor to "open up and say AAAAH".
His oversized toothbrush joke was hilarious (to him)!
The boys also lit off firecrackers, drew their names with sparklers, and chowed down on fireside snacks.

When it got dark, we lit off and watched our kiddie-size and grown-up size fireworks.

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