Monday, July 9, 2018

Moving Days - Goodbye Family Home

There won't be any pictures of us in this post (we looked that awful).  Moving is never fun, but the weather on July 6th and 7th were... well, hell!  The temps were in the mid to high 90's and the humidity was maxed out.   My Fitbit read nearly 30 miles walked (sans steps when carrying boxes!) from Thursday through Saturday (when we quit just before midnight).   But, we're done.  And, we are thankful that the move is over (nearly - still a few things left in our storage unit).

But, moving on, this post is to also say goodbye to a beautiful home that had been in my family for nearly 100 years (built in 1910 and purchased by my family in 1920).   I'll have many wonderful memories of the home for the rest of my life.
Goodbye beautiful house.  May you be loved just as much in the future as you have been loved by my family.
And, best of luck to Mom... Nana Karen... hope you will love your new home too.  XXOO

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