Monday, November 26, 2018

Decorating for Christmas!

One of my most favorite days (er... weekends) of the year immediately follows Thanksgiving; Christmas decorating!!!!    It can be described with a myriad adjectives; FUN, festive, exciting... exhausting!  :-)   Nonetheless, it is so worth it!

Eric lugged up most of the boxes and Christmas tree from storage.  Ramsey was a good helper, acting as a go-between Eric and me (Eric "fluffed" the tree branches as I put them on the tree stand).
While inquisitive and playing with many of the dazzlingly shiny objects, Ramsey did feel compelled to let me know that he wasn't pleased with the tornado-like appearance of the entire top main floor of our house.   I promised him that it wouldn't be that way for tooooooo long!
EVERYTHING got some red, green, gold, or sparkles, to include the plants!
Eric wasn't too sure about the craziness of the Christmas tree toppers this year, but he's rolling with it.  :-)
 I had some garland left over, so of course I had to find a home for it.  It is now surrounding the Mistletoe on the entry into the kitchen.
 Furniture was relocated in the process too, to make room.  (I hope I can remember where I had everything before - if not, oh well, I guess!)
About the only things that went untouched were the fish on the walls.
I can't wait to have a nice cozy fire soon!
I love this time of year; so festive and beautiful!

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