Friday, November 9, 2018

Quirky Idea and a Reading Lesson

One thing parents know is that small children have crazy notions... quite often.  :-) 

While Ramsey was home sick with pneumonia (he missed two weeks of preschool!),  we spent time together and I made him lunch every day.   One day, he stuck up his pointer finger and excitedly said, "I have an idea!  How about a peanut butter and CHEESE sandwich?!?"    In my mind, I was gagging, but he's learning... and he can learn which odd combinations work... and which ones don't.

"YUM!" he said after the first two bites.
After that, he didn't seem to want to eat anymore.   So, I pulled off the cheese, fed it to Riggs, and he finished up his plain ol' peanut butter sandwich.  :-)     Lesson learned.

Sidenote: Another one of his "great ideas" was to make an ice cream sandwich.... made with Chicken in a Biscuit crackers and Oreo ice cream.   Thus far, I have refused to let him try that one.   Bleh!

As a treat to make up for all of his miserable days and nights from being sick, I'd ordered him some more bath bombs for nighttime tub-fests.   Since he's learning to read, he grabbed each new bomb and read [most] of them.   I only caught a few on camera.   I'm a proud Momma; actually reading at age 4 is a tall task.

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