Friday, November 30, 2018

Advent Calendar + An Early Gift!

I've wanted to get the boys a "formal" Advent calendar.  Last year, I was a little behind.  This year... I got ahead of the game and purchased a LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar from Amazon.
Ramsey was happy to open up the first day (I let him do it a few days early).  Day 1 was a Star Wars Lego land speeder.
Later, Daddy couldn't resist and wanted Ramsey to open up his "big" present (he'd been wanting to give it to Ramsey since the day it arrived).
Ramsey had been desperately asking for a very specific Star Wars light saber; Ahsoka Tano's Fulcrum saber.  As it is only available as a custom "real" movie-quality piece (not something you can go to a big box store and purchase), he special-ordered it very early.
Ramsey was a very happy camper and the boys had a LOT of fun playing!  It's a bit heavy (it's metal), but Eric says that will help beef up his muscles.  :-)

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