Monday, December 3, 2018

Advent Day 1: Baking Christmas Cookies & Homemade Ornaments

We have a couple of Advent calendars that we are using for ideas this year.  And, we're making up some other ideas as we go.

Day 1 Advent:  Baking Christmas cookies and making homemade ornaments for family and friends!

Ramsey was happy to pick out all of the cookie cutters that seemed befitting to the holiday. 
 There's always time for funny selfies.  :-)
 Ramsey really got into rolling out the dough.
 He went a little bananas and things started to stick.  I had to scale him back and give him some more flour.
 Then, on to making cinnamon dough ornaments (easy two-ingredient mix of applesauce and cinnamon for a yummy scent!).   
 The ornaments went into the oven to bake for a few hours.   And, then ribbons were tied.
Now that one of our Christmas cats are out of the bag, act "surprised" if you get one!  :-) 

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