Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas in the North Country

To ensure we would see everyone for the Christmas holiday, we made the quick trek up North to see Eric's [super awesome] side of the family.

Everyone was certainly happy to see each other, especially Ramsey.  He couldn't WAIT to see his cousins whom he missed sooo much.
 I can't believe how old Connor and Sadie are getting!  They're so grown up!
 Uncle Cory seemingly avoided the camera.  Or maybe it's just that I am not quick enough!
And Max wasn't overly thrilled to have Riggsy sniffing around.  Although, he did come around a little bit later.
The kids had fun messing around and making crazy faces.  Sadie had put Connor's bangs into a ponytail.  At least it wasn't a man bun!
Later that day, it was time for present-opening.  Yay!
Since Connor's hair had gotten so long, he was being silly and styling in many ways to get a few laughs.
 Nana had a hip replacement a few weeks ago, so she was on the mend.   She wasn't quite cuttin' a rug just yet but will be soon!
 After opening so many wonderful presents, the kids were beat!
Merry Christmas!

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