Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Home for Christmas Eve

Ah, Christmas!!  The holiday we'd been frantically getting ready for, for six weeks!  Christmas concerts, Christmas shopping, Christmas activities that only come around once a year, etc.  We were happy to celebrate Jesus' birthday rather peacefully at home, with relatively nice weather (no ice or a heap of snow!)

We went to an early version of church (1 PM!) so we could hurry home to relax.  The big boys went ice-fishing and Ramsey, Nana, and I made cookies!
Later, of course we needed to get a sweet picture of the boys in front of the Christmas tree.  
What I always fail to remember is how difficult that can be and what the process is.  
Riggsy gets jealous if Ramsey is getting more attention from Connor.  Ramsey gets upset if Riggs' tail flaps him in the face.  And, Connor is the poor kid stuck at the bottom of the heap, the brunt of the abuse!
 There were a lot of funny pictures (sorry kids - I had to laugh) with Ramsey crying, Connor wincing, the dog seeming half-terrified, etc.  ....quite a process!  Ha!
 Ramsey and I had to frost the sugar cookies for Santa.  And... eat a few more.
 Then, time to open gifts!  The first present Ramsey grabbed was one from his Great Auntie Nancy. 
He giggled and jumped when he opened it.  It was a Yoda backpack!   His favorite Star Wars character (at least right now) is Luke Skywalker.  After he put the backpack on, he ran around the house with it, pretending his was Luke when he was being trained on Dagobah by Master Yoda.  It was quite amusing!
More presents revealed fun things.   There were many times when Ramsey took "play breaks" from opening gifts because he apparently couldn't help himself. 
  Connor got a [seemingly] year's supply of Starburst! (When they get to be his age, they're harder to buy for!  Candy always works.)
Ramsey made me a homemade ornament (aww!).  It says "Love, Ramsey" (in case there was any question whatsoever!).
Eric had given me a back/body massager.  Ramsey had to try it.  After presents, that's all the kid wanted to do - get massaged!!  He got the biggest kick out of it.
When it was time to put the cookies down for Santa, this little stinker was stealing the cookies!
 Then went night night in hopes that Santa would bring him fun things that night.

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