Monday, December 31, 2018

Notable Quotes

A continuation of the crazy notables by Ramsey.....
4/20/18:  Connor was in the restroom and Ramsey started rapping on the door.
Connor: "Ramsey, I'm going potty!"
Ramsey: "You're going potty?  No, you're going NOWHERE!"

4/20/18: Ramsey was sitting, playing nicely.  Out of nowhere, he shouts, "I would DIE for Connor!  I would DIE for Riggsy!"

Ramsey: "I've got a dumpster shoe!  My shoes smell like dumpster!"

5/5/18: Connor was leaving for work at the YMCA.
Ramsey: "Have a good [time] saving people.  Don't drowned!"

Ramsey: "I want to cuddle you!:
Me: "I love you, but you need to go finish your lunch."
Ramsey: "Aww, you spoil all my fun!"

5/25/18: As I am putting my make-up on, Ramsey starts to laugh.
Ramsey: "Mommy, you look funny!"
Me: "Why do you I look funny?"
Ramsey: "Your eyebrows are funny.  You look like a man!"
Me (thinking): ...time to rethink my eyebrows?!?!?
5/27/18:  Daddy is teasing Ramsey.  Ramsey swats at Eric from the bed.
Eric: "Hey, you just kicked me!"
Ramsey, "I'm just learning karate!"

6/3/18:   We are outside firecamping.
Ramsey: "I'm a filthy character!"
Eric:  "You're a filthy character?!?!"
Ramsey, "Ya, that means I'm an exclusive figure."

Me: "Ramsey, what animal gives us ham?"
Ramsey: "Zebras!"

Me: "Ramsey, do you have the greatest Daddy ever?"
Ramsey: "Uh huh! But, one time there were these boys who were pointing and laughing at him... and then you told them to STOP, so they did and they said they were sorry.  That was when I was in your belly!"  [long pause] "Um... that was a story and I just made it up."
Eric: "Ramsey, there's a storm coming!  How will we survive?"
Ramsey: "We need an umbrella.  We need to close our ears.  And, we need a microphone!"

8/26/18:  Connor's girlfriend Emily came to visit.  Ramsey had never met her before.  The minute she walked into the house, Ramsey asks her, "Hey, are you going to sleep with ME or with Connor?"

Ramsey: "Mommy, you're a great butt-wiper!!"
This child is always very full of compliments.  ;-)

9/19/18:  On the way to school, Ramsey randomly starts telling Eric about Minecraft.
Ramsey: "I don't know what the hell it means when I'm at the main ending on the cliff!"
Eric:  (Trying to contain his laughter) "I don't know what the hell it means either!"

9/20/18: Ramsey had been very sick.  When he got up, Eric asked him, "Ramsey, how did you sleep?"
Ramsey: "Well... I woke up with a big snot ball on my shirt!"
Ramsey: "Mom, did you know that in WWII, Darth Maul defeated Darth Vader?"

10/20/18:  Ramsey was practicing his song to sing for church.
Ramsey (singing):  "I decided to follow Jesus!"
Eric: "What made you decide to follow Jesus?"
Ramsey: "Because I'm good!  And.... Darth Mal needs to go to hell."

Ramsey: "Aha!  Dad, I have an idea.  You know what would be really good?  A Chicken-in-a-Biscuit Oreo ice cream sandwich!"

11/5/18:  Ramsey and I were laying down in his room, saying bedtime prayers.
Ramsey: "I want Santa Claus to bring Jesus for Christmas."  Then he pauses.  "Jesus and God are in my heart and they're in your heart.  I'm hugging you, so I am hugging all three of you!"
11/6/18:  After waking up and going potty, Ramsey was running around naked.
Ramsey: "Hey, wanna see a funny trick?"  Then, he shows us a "fruit basket".

Ramsey made up a new prayer.  "Now I lay me down to sleep.  The Lord is alive and thank you for me!"

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