Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ramsey's First Christmas Program

As Ramsey gets older, his "firsts" become fewer and farther between.  But, he did have his first Christmas program at our church on Sunday.  The church, which I will add is HUGE, was PACKED!  I don't know if they could have squeezed one more soul into that place!

 The entire service was the children of the congregation narrating, singing, and sharing their piano skills.   They had a jazz band backing them also, which was really a treat!

Unfortunately, I wasn't so pleased with the video/picture on my phone. Ugh - pixeled-out.
Ramsey is in the front(ish) on the right, wearing red trousers, black/white cardigan, and a red bowtie.   They sang three songs.
"See the Baby Jesus"
 "Away in a Manger"
He looked so darn cute, but he didn't appear to be singing too much.  ...might have gotten the wind knocked out of his sails by the cute little girl in the front row (wearing boots).   lol  (Or, maybe he was just looking around, figuring everything out.)

"Go Tell it on the Mountain"

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