Sunday, December 9, 2018

Noah's Arc "Build-A-Reindeer"

It seems we've been running ragged throughout this Christmas season.  As busy as it is, we love it.  We're cramming a LOT of activities in a small amount of time.  And, that's OK.  :-)

Saturday was no different.   Ramsey and I had a "Mommy and Me Day".  We started out at Dairy Queen, as Ramsey, like his Mom, thinks that ice cream in the winter time is THE BEST! 

I had signed Ramsey up for a "Noah's Arc" class a few months ago at our church.  It's basically a "Build-A-Bear" scenario, but for the winter season.   I'm not sure who was more excited; me or Ramsey!
They  had a ton of activities for the kids to do, starting with Play Doh (one of Ramsey's favorites!).
Then Miss Erica had all of the kids gather around to talk about the fun things we were going to do, as well as read a nice Christmas book.
 Then, it was time to pick a mystery bag with the new soon-to-be-stuffed friends.
 Ramsey was pleased to find a super cute reindeer with Christmas lights on its antlers.
Then, it was time to STUFF away!
There was a short break to play while we waited for other kids to get their animals stuffed.
When we resumed, Miss Erica gave each of the kids a rainbow star to wish upon before placing inside of the bear's tummy.   She playfully instructed them to give it a kiss, rub it on their ears so their bear would be a good listener, rub it on their heart so it would always be kind, etc.  Here Ramsey is giving it a kiss.
When they were through, each child was to name their animal and write their information a formal birth certificate.    Ramsey named his bear Taylor..."Taylor Myrrh Myrrh" because it was Christmastime.
Afterwards, kids played more games like Penguin Bowling.
(We are lucky they didn't wind up with any holes in their drywall!)
And a bean bag toss game too.
All the kids got together for a cute picture to show off their animals.
After Noah's Arc, we also went to Target (holiday shopping!) and Hobby Lobby so Ramsey could pick out some Christmas tree ornaments.

Ramsey didn't really have a "theme" this year; he simply chose random ornaments that he found appealing; a red truck hauling a Christmas tree, a sea turtle, a Dalmatian inside a fireman's boot, Boba Fett's helmet, a manger scene, and his favorite.... a frosted donut with sprinkles (who he showed off to EVERYONE in Hobby Lobby, pretending to eat it, bringing lots of laughs).
He also wanted a round Santa Claus box, to "hide his Star Wars guys" and we purchased him a mini Christmas tree and mini ornaments for his bedroom.  Soon we'll decorate his Christmas tree with lights and the mini ornaments.

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