Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas Giving

Christmas.... my favorite time of year!   A time for giving to others.  A time for reflection.   Truly, I wish I was a gazillionaire so I could give loads of time and tons of money to my favorite charities (children's hospitals, Wounded Warrior Project, The Humane Society, etc).  C'mon Mega Millions, help me out here!!! 

This year, on a small scale, we're doing a few things to help others:
* Donating to the Angel Tree at our local church (purchased boys' jacket, gloves, children's winter hats - for kids in need)
* Donating to Safe Harbor, a local women's/children's shelter (we dropped off Christmas cookies, a woman's coat, play make-up for little girls)
* Donating additional items to Safe Harbor through Ramsey's preschool (diapers, PJs, etc).
* Sending letters (and maybe some Christmas ornaments) to recovering American soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.  (It's important that Veterans know how appreciative we are for THEIR time, service, and sacrifices.)

And, we're still thinking of other things we can do to make our hearts happy!!!

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