Monday, December 17, 2018

Nice Enough to Play Outside!

Well, as aforementioned in a previous post, we've had some nice weather [the latter portion of] this week.  Prior to this, we had rain which turned to ice, causing terribly slick roads and white-knuckle driving.   Before that... WIND, lots of wind.  Ick.

After we'd been home for a few hours from church on Sunday, Ramsey wanted to play outside.  So, we got our first play date this winter (still "technically" Fall, but it's cold... so it's winter).   Alexa told us it was about 45* out, so we bundled up, though rather lightly.

The [small amount of] snow that was on the ground was slippery from the rain/ice storm earlier in the week.    Ramsey biffed it right away a few times, learning the hard way.
 Knowing how icy everything was, we headed straight for the lake to skid around on the crunchy ice-topped snow.
 And we had to get some play time in on the playset.
With all of the running around we do this time of year (it's fun, but exhausting!), thoughts somtimes cross my mind if it's all worth it.  But, when I hear Ramsey's exclamations of "THIS IS THE BEST CHRISTMAS SEASON EVERRRRRR!", I'm assured.
The happy times and the wonderful memories are absolutely worth it.

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