Thursday, December 20, 2018

Preschool Christmas Program

The last few weeks, Ramsey's been singing funny little Christmas songs to me at night, while we're saying prayers.  He said they were for his Christmas program.   I wasn't sure which program until last Sunday.  It turns out, he'd been singing me his preschool Christmas program songs.   They were so cute and fun and it made me look forward to seeing all the little kiddos singing and acting out the gestures.

Eric, Nana Karen, and I went to his school for their program and after-program party.   His preschool is at a large Methodist church in town.  I'd never been in the actual sanctuary before.  It was beautiful - very "old school"; I loved it!
 Everywhere we looked, there were oceans of red Poinsettias, garland, and gorgeous Christmas trees.   The character of the church was phenomenal.   The stained glass window, stained glass crucifix, and domed rotunda ceiling took my breath away.
Then, the kids all piled in.  There are a dozen in Ramsey's class.  I think one may have been missing.  The kids (for the most part) looked very excited!  There were two shy little girls who got a little overwhelmed during the program, bless their little hearts!
The songs they sang were all riffs on songs we all know and love.
"Christmas Time" (to the tune of Baby Shark)
"Looks Like Christmas"
There was a point during this song where I thought, "NO.... DON'T PICK YOUR NOSE!!!"  Then, I realized, it was part of the actions they were doing.... and that all of the kids had their fingers close to their noses.  :-D
"Christmas Bells"
Ramsey really seemed to get into ringing his bells!
For the finale, they invited everyone in the church to sing along to "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", which had a few variations to the original version.  Sorry, you have to hear me chirping in the background!
These kids were so precious and sweet!  We just loved it.
Afterwards, the teachers hosted a little soiree at their classroom, with cookies and refreshments.    They had fun little Christmas tree and star costumes for the kids to wear and get pictures in.  Funny!
 The boys all ran around the gym like little monkeys, while the girls seemed to stick around in the classroom, showing their families the fun toys and activities they have.
It was such a fun morning.  We are truly very blessed to have Ramsey enrolled in such a wonderful school with fantastic teachers who care and give so much!

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