Friday, February 22, 2019

Preschool Field Trip: The Dentist!

Ramsey's preschool class had a bit of a hiatus regarding field trips throughout the holiday season.  But, their first trip of 2019 was to the dentist!

Ramsey said they had lots of fun seeing all of the neat things dentists use to help people with their teeth.  He got a cool sticker too.
 Ramsey said he wanted to go the dentist because this dentist had Legos!  I reminded him that our dentist also has Legos. :-)   I suppose he should go there one of these days, just for a check-up.
Below is just a pic of him and his friend Rebekah playing Legos after their return.  This is Ramsey's "girlfriend" (this week... it changes constantly), Rebekah.

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