Monday, February 18, 2019

SNOW Much Fun

Eric may slightly differ with the post title.  Ramsey loves to play in the snow.  Eric... is just plain tired of it (and rightly so!). 
But, Eric thought Ramsey might have fun making a tunnel or a snow fort in the big ledge between the garage and the main entry door. 
He started digging and showing Ramsey how to make the recession bigger.
Ramsey had fun.  But, more than digging a tunnel, he enjoyed trying to tear down the entire ledge, making a bigger mess for Dad to have to clean up on the pathway.
 If he would have had some Star Wars guys, I have a feeling he would have stayed in this fun hiding spot (his Star Wars "Planet Hoth base") for a lot longer.
Fun fact: Our yearly snowfall is typically around 35" for the season.  As of now, we have had over 50" of snow, with March (and April) blizzards yet to come.  Yay. 

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