Sunday, February 3, 2019

Winter Festival

A yearly tradition (as of last year) is attending our church's winter festival, full of games, prizes, and activities for kids and families.
We got there a little early.  Ramsey peeled off his shoes so he could start bouncing on the inflatables the minute they opened!
He went in the bouncy castle maze a dozen times (we had to "coerce" him out of there each time so other kids would have a turn).
Between bouncy castle fun, we went into the gym where they had Plinko.
And a bag toss...
A ring toss...
And also hit up the bowling room.   We did manage to avoid the cake walk (darn diets!).
Ramsey was pleased to win so many prizes, like stickers, suckers, pencils, slime, and Play Doh!

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