Saturday, June 15, 2019

Father's Day Q&A w/Ramsey

1) What is something Daddy always says to you?
"Don't take huge bites!"

2) What makes Daddy happy?
"Not taking big bites."

3) What makes Daddy sad?
"Being a complete hot bull."     (???)

4) How does Daddy make you laugh?
"His jokes!"

5) What was Daddy like as a little boy?
"Like me!  Because I'm friendly and make friends where ever I go."

6) How old is Daddy?
"Um... I don't know!!"

7) How tall is Daddy?
"He is taller than us."

8) What is Daddy's favorite thing to do?
"Just fish with Connor."

9) What does Daddy do when you're not around?
"He takes care of Mr. Kitty."

10) What is Daddy really good at?
"Catching bad guys!"

11) What is Daddy not very good at?
"Running.  He can't run as fast as me!"

12) What does Daddy do for a job?

13) What is Daddy's favorite food?

14) What makes you proud of Daddy?
"Daddy does all of this work for me."

15) If Daddy was a movie or cartoon character, who would he be?

16) What do you and Daddy do together?
"Play inside... Star Wars light sabers."

17) How do you know Daddy loves me?
"Because he is so extra friendly?"

18) What does Daddy like most about Mommy?
"Your mole."     (*sigh*)

19) Where is Dad's favorite place to go?
"Anchors Away"  [restaurant]

20) How old was Daddy when you were born?
"Tell me first!"    Me: "42"   Ramsey: "Oooooh"

21) If Daddy would become famous, what would he be famous for?
"Catching POLICE!  That's funny!!  'Catching Police' is so funny!"

22) How are you and Daddy the same?
"We are both boys."

23) How are you and Daddy different?
"Because Daddy is taller than me."

24) What's your favorite thing to do with Dad?
"Let him watch me playing Minecraft."

25) What's your favorite thing about Daddy?
"I like to play with him!"

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