Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Our Little Pike

 LONG OVERDUE:  Swimming lessons for Ramsey.   (It's been a little while since we've had a "first" for Ramsey. )
It seems I just couldn't ever find a lesson schedule that didn't have preschool kids coming in on a Tuesday morning at 10:30 or something odd like that (HELLO, some people don't have summers off!!).   I finally did find lessons at the YMCA that fell on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 (half hour each class).  Bingo!      Starting level:  "Pike"!
Ramsey said he was a little nervous at first, but he was very excited.   His teacher, Ashley, is wonderful!  She's obviously a pro and handles the kids very well.
 Ramsey's #1 rule for lessons: "LISTEN".   Also, "don't act like a squirrel; behave yourself!"  So far, so good.
 Although, he made friends with another little fella (Asher).  They got pretty excited at one time and got a 1-minute time out.  After that, they were great!
 Lessons will continue for about a month.  After that, I will try to find additional lessons for the remainder of the summer.  (Wish me luck!)
 During these early sessions, they're pretty much just playing around; [holding onto the edge while] kicking, splashing, blowing bubbles, and using "big arms" (mimicking swim motions).   Although, at Session #2, they did bob their heads under water, mini-dived for rings (grabbed them while they were sinking), and were using floaties to swim on their backs and tummies.
He's catching on quickly, so he'll be swimming in no time!   Bonus #1: Ramsey and I have both made friends while at lessons.  Bonus #2: He saw about three of his classmates from preschool when he was there (albeit all in different classes).

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