Monday, June 10, 2019

Vacation Bible School 2019

Ramsey's first: Vacation Bible School
The week of June 3rd, Ramsey had his first week of vacation bible school!
Ramsey is pictured just left of center, in the first row of the kids who are standing.
VBS was composed of children from grades Pre-K through 5th, with multiple classrooms for each grade.
The theme this year was "Roar!", with named animals from the African safari posing as learning characters.   Each day, the kids were taught lessons from the bible and how they are applicable to every day life.  I received emails every day that compiled details of what the kids were learning.
And, each day, the kids practiced songs that they would sing in church the following Sunday in front of the congregation.
Above: Sunday singing in church.

Ramsey had a good time, but there were a lot of kids that he didn't know.  I know there were times he felt awkward, but he did see some friendly and familiar faces there too.   He is good at making friends and this was another opportunity to do just that.  :-)

Sidenote: When I was a kid, we had bible school at the same time; first week of June, over my birthday.  I LOVED IT.  Growing up Catholic, sisters from Presentation College came up for the week to teach.  Oh, how I adored them.  It was such a wonderful time!  My hope is that Ramsey has as much fun as I did.  From what I could see, they have many more activities than we did (plus a gym to run around in, a play set outside, etc), so I'm guessing there are more prospects in that area.  :-)

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