This is Luke Skywalker.... pilot, Jedi Knight, rebel fighter, all-around good dude.
This is Ramsey. Pilot, Jedi (in training), sword and saber lover, all-around awesome kid.
Ramsey had been sick with pneumonia last year and wasn't able to go Trick or Treating. This year, his only ailment was a big fat infected lip from his trip to the pediatric dentist the day before (he bit his lip a ton while the Novocain was wearing off - ugh).I picked him up from school and we headed straight to the police department to see Daddy and get candy from all of his co-workers. Notice that Ramsey had a little fella (Jedi Master Yoda) on his back (a gift from Great Aunt Nancy). His costume had a lot going on and Yoda kept falling off, so he wore the Yoda for just a little while, then we proceeded to fill the Yoda backpack with candy (and then start fresh with a new candy bucket!).
We left to see Nana Karen (who treated him with an entire package of Oreos and some money). Then, we went to Bethlehem Lutheran's Trunk or Treat. There were so many people dressed up, handing out candy. Ramsey especially loved the guy dressed up as a knight. He got to hold his sword (he was rather impressed).
We made a good haul, but after that, Ramsey was "done" (it was windy and his feet were cold). He decided that he did not want to go to the Fall Festival (games, bouncy castles, candy, etc) and asked to just go home. So.... we went home and had a pizza party and ate a little (er - kind of a lot of) candy instead.
Happy Halloween!