Monday, October 14, 2019

Early Snowfall

I guess I'm turning into a "weather nerd", keeping track of each first snowstorm of the new season. 
Last year, October 10th was the first snowfall.  This year, October 10th was ice, slush, sleet, and rain.  I had to take Ramsey to the doctor (again) and there was about an inch of slush on our driveway at 9 AM.  Ugh.
Then, on Friday, the 11th, it turned to snow, starting with small flakes, then huge flakes.
 Then, the wind came up like mad.  Oh joy.    Every one of us was sick and not planning to go anywhere anyway, so the timing wasn't awful (just too EARLY!).
 I don't recall a year where the grass, [most of] the trees, and the standing corn in the fields were still green when the snow started to fly.
We were more fortunate than my more northern-living in-laws; they got around 20" of the white stuff! Yikes.

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