Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Love of Self-Imposed Homework!

In the last two weeks, Ramsey's frustration with writing has gone to the wayside; he has been improving by leaps and bounds (things really "clicked").   Now that he's progressing in that area, everything else seems to be falling into place nicely.

EVERY DAY, before and after school, Ramsey is obsessed with completing pages in the workbooks we bought for him.  As you can see in the pics below, it was dark.  This was prior to leaving for school.
 After school, he gets off the bus and spends an hour and a half or so on his workbooks, while snacking on something I've concocted for him.  His favorite workbooks are Star Wars themed and anything that focuses on math.    The letters and Kindergarten/1st Grade Reading workbooks seem to bore him a bit since he's a wicked awesome reader (it came very easy to him - a year and a half ago!).  But the letters and reading ones are good for him for practicing his writing, so we continue.
 Ramsey even came up with these workbook problem pages for Dad while I was gone on Sunday.  He conjured one to match the shapes with the names of the shapes, plus a maze, and a number match.   Eric said Ramsey created them and brought them to him to complete.  When Eric finished, he excitedly gave him Kudos and told him what an awesome job he did!  Great job, Dad!!
When Connor was home on Monday, Ramsey roped him into his workbook fun.  Ramsey wrote numbers on a sheet of paper, in pencil, asking Connor to "practice his writing skills" and "TRACE".  
 Sweetly, Connor obliged and traced everything that Ramsey had written in red marker.  
 What a sweet big brubby!!!  
I hope Ramsey's zest for school and learning continue with this kind of momentum! 

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