Friday, October 4, 2019

"The Numbers Guy"

We have a Kindergartener who is obsessed with numbers lately (and germs/viruses also, but that's another story!).    His favorite numbers right now are "centillion" and "googolplex".   *eyebrow raise*
Though he can count by 7s and 60s and whatever else he can dream up, we're still working on perfecting the art of physically writing them.

One afternoon, after school, while focusing on writing 8's and 3's, Ramsey had written five 8's all over the page, in different sizes.  He said, "Mom, look, this is the number eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight!" 

Curious as to if this was a fluke or if he knew how to read larger numbers, I wrote random numbers down and put him to work.
Five-digit numbers:
Six-digit number:
Tonight, I am going to throw a 7-digit number at him.... just to see!

I was surprised to say the very least.  This means... he did NOT inherit my math skills.  ;-)

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