Saturday, June 27, 2020

Crazy (6-Year-Old) Driver

Ramsey has had a yellow motorized Hummer for a few years.  Up until this year, he refused to drive it any more than about two feet (before he freaked out and called it a day). 
While I was sorting through some things in our garage, I decided we should move the Hummer to the new shed.  And, as long as we're doing that, Ramsey should get it out and take it for a spin.
 He was a little shaky at first, going up and down hills (he tried to bail out a number of times!!), but he got the hang of it after a bit.
Unfortunately, we don't really have many flat areas to cruise on.  The best we have is the pavement (not safe) and one of the ditches has less steep grades and has some quasi-flat areas.  We chose the latter!   However, there were a number of times where he had veered into the steeper areas and Momma had to "push" him up (the wheels were spinnin'!).
It's probably a good thing this child isn't a dare devil or we'd have a wreck!   It was certainly funny to watch him scoot around on this mini mobile.
And... um... yes, he is wearing his pajamas!!! Ha!   During these days of COVID-19, anything goes!  No judging!  ;-)

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