Sunday, June 14, 2020

Tree Clean-Up + Play

With so many storms moving through our area the last few weeks (with horrendous winds!), we've had quite a lot of tree clean-up to do.  *groan*
Eric and I dragged branches to the front of the yard to get ready to burn. 
Ramsey and Riggsy helped.  Sort of.  *wink*
But they also had to play, so hill-rolling was top-priority.
And once the fire started, S'mores were in order.  Of course, Ramsey's could not include a warm squishy marshmallow; chocolate and graham crackers only for him!  (So weird.)
When Connor showed up later that evening, he and Ramsey played in the yard and on the play set (what a nice big brubby!).
Riggs had to be put on the enclosed deck (he was eating too much grass - which later causes nasty involuntary actions we'd rather not have to deal with), but the neighbor's grand-dog came over for a visit.  He got lots of hugs and attention.  Ramsey lovingly named him "Random Dog".  ha!

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