Thursday, June 4, 2020

Happy Birthday, COVID-Style

Who would have thought a few months ago that we wouldn't be going out and about for a birthday?  Not that we're party animals, but usually for adult birthdays, we go out for supper, shoot pool, or something to that effect.

This year, the COVID-19 virus is still a factor, though our daily cases continue to decrease to only a handful of new cases per day.   But, moreover, a big storm was brewing!   We did not want to be caught in something nasty that could produce high winds and hail.

Before the storm hit, Eric and I went on the dock to fish.  LOTS of nibbles, but we didn't catch anything.  We did take in the gorgeous view though.   As the thunder grumbled and the lightning started to hit in the not-terribly-distant area, we packed up and went inside.
No sooner had we got inside the house when the squall and winds hit.  The winds stayed at 60mph for quite some time, with gusts up to 80mph! It was insane.   Ramsey and I took cover downstairs for a while, until the tornado warnings subsided.
Note: The pic below is not from our yard; someone in our neighboring area had posted it.... so I snagged it!

We really didn't "celebrate" my birthday until the following evening.  Which... when you're 44, is just fine.  :-)  
 Spending time with the family is a blessing and such a gift.

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