Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Ramsey's First Day of 1st Grade (E-Learning Style)

 In our state, 2020 schooling for kids was offered as a flexible plan for the fall return; families could either send their children to school like any other "normal year" or they could participate in E-Learning, the online plan.  And, if the E-Learning option was chosen, kids enroll per quarter and can return to the classroom after any quarter's end.

Because of the desire to see our high-risk family members, we decided to enroll Ramsey in the E-Learning program.  (The thought is that once Eric has retired in September, we'd all self-quarantine for a few weeks, then go see everyone!)   Ramsey was happy with the choice.   And, his gal friends from two doors down also chose the E-Learning path.

Even though Ramsey was very sick on the actual first day, he got dressed, got his hair gelled, and gave a happy thumbs-up for me!
One year later, he still wants to be a miner when he grows up!
The E-Learning online platform was down all week.  In the meantime, we worked on multiplication, division, spelling, writing/penmanship, nouns/verbs/adverbs/adjectives, and OLSAT flash cards and work books.  

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