Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Happy Labor Day!

 It's hard to believe that it's September already!  In some ways, this [very odd] year has blown by quickly!  In other way, it's dragged on incessantly.  

Because late August had been soooo HOT (high 90's) and we'd all been sick for weeks, we hadn't been outside playing or enjoying the lake lately.   But now, on Labor Day weekend, the weather was much different - 70s and sunny, but windy.   Unfortunately, the wind did take away our ability to go tubing (now that the boat is back from the repair shop!).  Instead, we did other things.  We played soccer and ran around the yard.

Ramsey played "Boat Captain".
We hung out on the play set and swung, climbed, and made hills with the digger.  
On Sunday, after Eric mowed, he had a fun idea; frog-hunting!  He had noticed the frogs were seemingly starting to migrate towards the lake.  Incidentally, they were everywhere!   Ramsey found this rather amusing.
They caught a half dozen frogs in a short amount of time.
Ramsey had no issues grabbing them and inspecting them.  Personally, I was wincing.
He thought the frogs might like bubbles too.
Some jumped out of the bucket, so we tried to chase them down.  
Ramsey got a little mad and went and sat down to pout.   Dad cheered him up by bringing him another frog!
Then, Ramsey kindly let them go.
Monday was a different story altogether.  There was NO outside play, as it rained the entire day.  The temps had dropped and it was CHILLY (in the 40's).
Eric sweetly brought in loads of wood throughout the day, so we could have a nice toasty fire.   We thought it would be fun to have S'mores too.  But, since Ramsey isn't a fan of marshmallows, his version was modified.   
Sunday turned out to be a day of R&R, a bit of house work, and binge-watching Star Wars and Alaska shows (and a little bit of chick flicks for me).   I didn't mind that one bit!

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