Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lovin' Little Toads

 While Eric and I were fishing last night, Ramsey was outside on his play set.  He found some tiny little playmates; toads!   Specifically, he caught one that he decided was rather nice.

He brought the little guy to the dock to introduce him to us.
And he showed us how nice he was being to the toad, petting it and trying to keep it calm.
Then, he asked me to follow him to the play set to show me what he had done.
He had gathered all kinds of twigs, pine cones, and leaves and created a "house" for his toad friend.  He told me that he had held the toad the entire time he built the safe haven.
It's funny the little rhyme about "Snips & snails and puppy dog tails" doesn't include anything about toads and frogs.  ;-) 

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