Friday, September 11, 2020

Eric's Retirement Party

 Eric had a nice turn-out for his retirement party at the police department.  Unfortunately, there were a number of officers and entities who could not be there, due to some emergencies in the area (so is the business of law enforcement!).

Here's Eric with the Chief McNeil and Captain Tobin:

The chief started off with a very nice speech and gave Eric accolades for his many years at the APD, from patrol officer, to detective, detective sergeant, and captain.

Thereafter, Eric articulated a brief summation of his years at the PD and gave his own appreciative nods to a few colleagues who'd been been instrumental in his best years there, as well as the success of the department.  Thereafter, a number of officers stood up and spun tales of past call-outs, responses, etc.

The gals had a special cake made.  (Yes, we know that "Captain" is spelled incorrectly! ...through no fault of the party planner!)
Below: Eric with long-time friend and teammate, Detective Sergeant Gross.
The detective division commissioned a custom mahogany art piece; a replica of his police badge.
He was given his plaque for his years of service, along with a ton of other gifts (sizeable bottle of Jim Beam Black, Thin Blue Line hat and hoodie, gift cards, and a number of retirement cards from within the department and other entities).

And... time for cake!
Ramsey's smiling with a blue-toothed grin!
Eric started his last send-off or 10-7 (meaning "out of service") call to Dispatch at exactly 2:15 PM.   Ironically, 215 is Eric's badge number.   This was not planned! :-)
We're very proud of Eric and so happy for him!
Unfortunately, due to COVID, our family members could not join us.
And, Connor was in school and could not make it.
The flowers below were a lovely gift from Bernie, Vicki, and Cory, who sent their love.
When we got home that afternoon, we hung up the oak "Thin Blue Line" wall hanging that we gave him for Father's Day.  (Earlier, we had taken it back to the artist for him to add more mini shelves.)  It's a wonderful reminder of Eric's days in the force.

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