Sunday, December 20, 2020


 Connor has been home with us since right after Thanksgiving.   The dorms closed up and such, so he spent his last few weeks of school (and studying for finals) with us!   While shacking up here again, he continued to work his P/T job and had a few social outings with friends.

Ramsey was THRILLED to have Brubby home!  Connor is Ramsey's hero and when Connor is around, no one else matters! ha!  It's ok.  Really.  HA!  :-)  

When Connor is with Ramsey, he plays with him (light saber duals and "chase" mostly), plays Minecraft with him on the X-Box, and lets him have one of his earbuds when he's gaming or watching videos on the iPhone.

Ramsey sometimes cannot contain his enthusiasm.   Big Brubby is accosted at various times... and lovingly deals with it. 

....LOVE these boys!  We're so happy when we're all together.  :-)

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