Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Eve (COVID-Style)!

Christmas was very different this year... and we all know why... yes, once again, COVID-19 is the culprit.  

That said, we weren't going to let it bum us out completely.  Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus, our love of family, and giving to others.  We'd do as much loving and giving and celebrating in just a slightly different way.   As a whole, we also vowed to make sure to have a big bash after everyone's had their vaccinations and risks were lower.

On Christmas Eve, Connor drove back from his Mom's.  While on the way, Eric, Ramsey, and I drove to town to visit Mom and exchange gifts.  (The three of us had been quite isolated, but Connor isn't able to isolate much with college, his job - and his social life!)

When we left, we prayed that Mom would be able to get her COVID vaccination soon so we could get together and spend more time.
When we got home, it was the usual Christmas Eve tradition.. We made (and pigged out on) homemade pizza.
And, sipped hot cocoa.
Before gift time, we horsed around a little and snapped a few pictures.
Watching the boys play always makes my heart happy.  Connor is such a good big brubby!
Then... present-opening time (while watching a Dolly Parton Christmas special on TV).
A special partially homemade present Ramsey received was a keepsake from the Hecla post office.  Grandpa Orin made a wooden box and added the door/lock set/window to the front.  Ramsey thought that was a fun gift - a great place to store his Star Wars guys!
Our little ninja-obsessed kiddo went wild when he opened up his shurikens (throwing stars).
We did opt for the hard plastic ones vs the sharp metal versions!
I received a lot of wonderful gifts, but probably my favorite (because I am sentimental) is a charm bracelet that I got from the boys.   Each charm is personal and has meaning.  :-)
After all of the presents were opened and the living room mess (oh, what a disaster area!) was cleaned up, we watched Christmas movies and enjoyed each other's company.
Ramsey put out sugar cookies for Santa.   He was a bit overzealous himself and ate part of Santa's cookies!
Other than being able to spend the evening with more family, the only thing missing on this beautiful Christmas Eve was going to church service.    Merry Christmas Eve!

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