Monday, December 28, 2020


 Ramsey has a number of obsessions lately (dart-throwing monkeys from Bloons TD6, ninjas/ninja weapons, Star Wars, and his favorite You-Tuber, Dan TDM - to name a few). 

[Taking after his Big Brubby Connor] he is also extremely obsessed with Legos.   For Christmas, he received a number of Lego Star Wars and Lego Minecraft kits.   So, on Christmas Day and for about the next three days, he and I built little Lego characters (large and small), ships, boats, landscapes, and more with the little plastic blocks.   

Admittedly, I love building with Legos, but I never had them as a child (guess I had too many Barbies and other toys!?!?).   I had to stop and take breaks when my poor back ached.   Ramsey was like the Energizer Bunny and wanted to just keep going!

So far, we have only ONE kit left to build.... and it's the biggest one; General Grievous' ship (from Star Wars).  That one will be saved for another weekend!   I am looking forward to that!

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