We had counted the months it'd been since we had been to Nana Vicki and Bumpa's house. It had been since Christmas 2019. CRAZY!
We didn't really consider this an Easter celebration, per se, but we hadn't been together as a big group/family for FAR too long. And... ham was on the menu, so.... it's automatically considered Easter. Just sayin.
The drive up was "interesting". For the first 45 minutes, Jango, whined most of the time. He did seem to like watching the boys play their games though.
When we arrived, I was happy to see everyone... and get to hug everyone! It was so good to have so many of us together in the house again.
Jango tried to make friends with Nana and Bumpa's dogs. It didn't go so well!! ha! The older doggies just weren't into playing with a newbit pup. Jango was relentless most of the time. He gave up intermittently.
It was strange to realize how the kids have grown. Here's Connor... at 19. And... Sadie - she's 18!
And "Little Isaac" is not so little anymore and is 15!
Isaac got along with Jango rather well also. :-)
Isaac was still the target of Ramsey's attention. Airplane rides and tickle fights were plentiful. Ramsey loves his cousins so much. :-)
Connor showed off his push-up and planking with Ramsey on his back. An extra 50 lbs on your back is quite a load.
I had to laugh at this view that I had. After a big supper, everyone, to include the dogs, were pooped.
A trip up North wouldn't be a trip without getting a picture of the kids all together in front of the [now new] fireplace.