Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter!

 Easter was a little bit different in the house this year.  Due to COVID, we didn't dress up nicely in heels or bowties.   We didn't visit family.  And my Mom just had her second COVID vaccine, so she was under the weather and didn't make it to the house.  Oh ya, and we'd been running like crazy, wrapping up the new carpeting in the downstairs, painting projects, and made the jaunt to get Jango.   And, Connor was at his Mom's.   

No, this year was far more laid back.   The Easter Bunny still stopped, though, this year, he didn't lead us on a scavenger hunt.  He did write a letter for Ramsey though.  And, he hid a LOT of Easter eggs in the house and left packed-full baskets of Easter presents for the boys.

The eggs Ramsey found were full of his favorite candies; jelly beans, mini kit kats, and chocolate kisses.
In his baskets, he received MORE favorite goodies: white chocolate covered Oreos, Reese's eggs, a chocolate bunny, and mini Hershey's cookies 'n cream candy bars.  ...all wonderful things to exacerbate baby teeth to rot.  (Hello fluoride!)
In the second basket, he was gifted two Lego Minecraft building sets.  He had asked me to contact the Easter Bunny to see if he'd leave these for him.  I told him I'd email him and see what I could do.  ;-)

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