Saturday, April 24, 2021

Chilly April Soccer - GAME 1

 BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!  Not gonna lie... I had nearly forgotten how chilly and oddball Spring Soccer weather could be.    As it was in the 40s with a "breeze", Ramsey had to get bundled up for the morning game.   I will reiterate that I am very thankful that he's young enough to have the LATE morning games!

Eric and I sort of "cheated" as spectators this game.  The field Ramsey played on was directly in front of where we parked, so we sat in the vehicle with the heater on and rooted him on from there.   I felt a little guilty, but he knew we were there!

As this is Ramsey's first year, all we ask from him is that he tries his best, doesn't roll around on the ground (yes, that was a thing), and has fun!

He's improving with every game and practice and he's enjoying himself immensely. 

But seriously... BRRRRRR!  

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